Learning Review Procedure: Teachers facilitate discussion and ask for student participation on Core Bible Stories, Weekly Bible Verses, and songs. Choose students to answer verbally in class. No writing is required, except for notes taken on the lyrics pages. Discussion is designed so that students increase long-term memory of the main ideas and hide God’s Word in their hearts!
Weeks 3 and 4 Core Bible Story (10 minutes)
Read Matthew 6:5–13 — Jesus Teaches about Prayer
Teacher begins by reading the Core Bible Story.
1) Teacher facilitates discussion and records on the board student responses on “How Not to Pray” vs. “How to Pray”.
2) How does God reward us when we secretly spend time with Him?
1) How Not to Pray
As a hypocrite who is not sincere
Praying out in public for the purpose of putting on a show for people.
Babbling on like pagans – thinking they will be heard because of their many words.
How to Pray
Privately – God rewards secret and sincere prayer.
Pray to honor God
Approach God as “Our Father”
Pray for God’s word to be holy.
Pray God’s kingdom to come – set our minds on the coming kingdom when things here are hard.
Pray for God’s will to be done – find out what God’s will is by searching Scripture and obeying it.
Ask for our daily needs to be met – reminds us to be content with what we have and to help the needy.
Ask for our sins to be forgiven as we forgive others.
Confess our sins and turn from them.
Ask God to lead us away from temptation and deliver us from the evil one – reminds us of our weaknesses and commits us to avoiding situation that cause temptation.
2) He rewards us with knowing Him better, with answered prayers, with guidance towards righteousness, with insights, and with protection. In addition, He’ll reward us in heaven.
Week 3 Bible Passage (5 minutes)
Matthew 6:6
Ask a student to read the Bible passage from page 20 and then to close their workbook. Discuss: What is the main idea of the passage?
God rewards those who seek Him through private and sincere (honest) prayer.
Choose one student to recite the passage from memory (may get help from classmates).
— or —
Students partner up and quiz each other on the passage. After a few minutes, choose one student to recite the passage to the class from memory.
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Week 3 Scripture Song (5 minutes)
“Your Getaway” (Matthew 6:6)
Play the song in class. (CLICK HERE to open your Media Player)
Students turn to the Song Lyrics on page 21 of their Student Workbooks. While listening to the song, students write down their insights and make personal connections on the lyrics page (circle key words, underline action steps, write out what God is teaching them to do, rewrite main ideas in their own words, etc.).
Discuss: How does the song reflect the meaning of the passage?
The way to seek God is simply to pray. We can pray to God day and night, and he rewards us with His presence in our lives.
Week 3 Motto (5 minutes)
“Your Getaway” (Matthew 6:6)
Note: Project this section of your Learning Review page (the Motto Buster Video) for your class to view and hear.
Play the Motto Buster Video in class to see who can guess the hidden motto first. Pause the video when students raise their hand to indicate they have solved the motto. Student states the motto out loud. If correct, student writes the motto on the board as the teacher facilitates discussion on the meaning of the motto.
Pray to your Father who is unseen
Application: Why should we pray to our Father who is unseen?
God the Father hears our prayers and sees us when we pray. He fills our hearts when we take the time to be with Him. He rewards us with His presence and will direct our paths.
Week 4 Bible Passage (5 minutes)
Colossians 3:1–2
Ask a student to read the Bible passage from page 27 and then to close their workbook. Discuss: What is the main idea of the passage?
Being “raised with Christ” means that your sins have been forgiven through Christ.
Choose one student to recite the passage from memory (may get help from classmates).
— or —
Students partner up and quiz each other on the passage. After a few minutes, choose one student to recite the passage to the class from memory.
Since, then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Week 4 Scripture Song (5 minutes)
“Heads-up” (Colossians 3:1–2)
Play the song in class. (CLICK HERE to open your Media Player)
Students turn to the Song Lyrics on page 28 of their Student Workbooks. While listening to the song, students write down their insights and make personal connections on the lyrics page (circle key words, underline action steps, write out what God is teaching them to do, rewrite main ideas in their own words, etc.).
Discuss: How does the song reflect the meaning of the passage?
The world lives for today, but we live for what’s to come. “Heads-up” means we set our hearts and minds on God. When we think on godly things we will have peace and victory in our lives.
Week 4 Motto (5 minutes)
“Heads-up” (Colossians 3:1–2)
Note: Project this section of your Learning Review page (the Motto Buster Video) for your class to view and hear.
Play the Motto Buster Video in class to see who can guess the hidden motto first. Pause the video when students raise their hand to indicate they have solved the motto. Student states the motto out loud. If correct, student writes the motto on the board as the teacher facilitates discussion on the meaning of the motto.
Set your minds on things above
Application: How can we set our minds on things above? How can setting our minds on things above help us avoid worldly temptations?