
Learning Review Weeks 3–4 (SSP)

Learning Review Procedure: Teachers facilitate discussion and ask for student participation on Core Bible Stories, Weekly Bible Verses, and songs. Choose students to answer verbally in class. No writing is required, except for notes taken on the lyrics pages. Discussion is designed so that students increase long-term memory of the main ideas and hide God’s Word in their hearts!


Weeks 3 and 4 Core Bible Story  (10 minutes)

Luke 6:46–49 — The Wise and Foolish Builders

Teacher begins by reading the Core Bible Story. On the board, teacher makes two columns and labels them Wise Builder and Foolish Builder. The entire class compares the wise and foolish builders while the teacher writes responses on the board and facilitates discussion.

Wise Builder vs. Foolish Builder
Wise Builder
Hears God’s words and puts them into practice.
Flood comes and strikes house, but it still stands.
Foolish Builder
Hears God’s words and does not put them into practice.
Flood comes and strikes house, it collapses.


Week 3 Bible Passage  (5 minutes)

Psalm 1:1–2

Ask a student to read the Bible passage from page 116 and then to close their workbook. Discuss: What is the main idea of the passage?


Choose one student to recite the passage from memory (may get help from classmates).
— or —
Students partner up and quiz each other on the passage. After a few minutes, choose one student to recite the passage to the class from memory.

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.


Week 3 Scripture Song  (5 minutes)

“Victory Lane” (Psalm 1:1–2)

Play the song in class. (CLICK HERE to open your Media Player)
Students turn to the Song Lyrics on page 117 of their Student Workbooks. While listening to the song, students write down their insights and make personal connections on the lyrics page (circle key words, underline action steps, write out what God is teaching them to do, rewrite main ideas in their own words, etc.).
Discuss: How does the song reflect the meaning of the passage?

We live either by the lies of the world or the wisdom of God’s Word. Accepting advice from ungodly friends will influence the way you live your life.
True blessing comes from God when we seek to walk in godly paths and avoid the tricks that the devil uses to try and hurt us. The blessing in the Word will guide us into victory lane.


Week 3 Motto  (5 minutes)

“Victory Lane” (Psalm 1:1–2)

Note: Project this section of your Learning Review page (the Motto Buster Video) for your class to view and hear.

Play the Motto Buster Video in class to see who can guess the hidden motto first. Pause the video when students raise their hand to indicate they have solved the motto. Student states the motto out loud. If correct, student writes the motto on the board as the teacher facilitates discussion on the meaning of the motto.

His delight is in the law of the Lord

Application: How can we delight in the law of the Lord?

We seek godly advice instead of believing the lies of the world. We want to know God’s word so that we can obey Him. We desire to know God’s Word put it into practice because it helps us avoid problems and leads to blessing.


Week 4 Bible Passage  (5 minutes)

James 1:25

Ask a student to read the Bible passage from page 123 and then to close their workbook. Discuss: What is the main idea of the passage?


Choose one student to recite the passage from memory (may get help from classmates).
— or —
Students partner up and quiz each other on the passage. After a few minutes, choose one student to recite the passage to the class from memory.

But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.


Week 4 Scripture Song  (5 minutes)

“Wheels on the Ground” (James 1:25)

Play the song in class. (CLICK HERE to open your Media Player)
Students turn to the Song Lyrics on page 124 of their Student Workbooks. While listening to the song, students write down their insights and make personal connections on the lyrics page (circle key words, underline action steps, write out what God is teaching them to do, rewrite main ideas in their own words, etc.).

Discuss: How does the song reflect the meaning of the passage?

Life can spin out of control without God’s Word to guide us. Keeping our “wheels on the ground” means letting God’s Word guide us. Knowing and not forgetting God’s Word will help me keep my wheels on the ground and navigate the corners of my life. If I follow God’s Word, I will have freedom and will be blessed. Staying consistently in God’s Word keeps it in the corner of our minds. This is God’s formula for navigating the “turns” in life with our wheels on the ground.


Week 4 Motto  (5 minutes)

“Wheels on the Ground” (James 1:25)

Note: Project this section of your Learning Review page (the Motto Buster Video) for your class to view and hear.

Play the Motto Buster Video in class to see who can guess the hidden motto first. Pause the video when students raise their hand to indicate they have solved the motto. Student states the motto out loud. If correct, student writes the motto on the board as the teacher facilitates discussion on the meaning of the motto.

Not forgetting what he has heard

Application: What is one important step we can take that will help us put God’s Word into practice?

James 1:25 tells us if we want to put God’s Word into practice, then we must look intently into His Word over and over again! This helps our hearts and minds to not forget what we’ve heard from God’s Word, and gives us the ability to quickly remember it and put it into practice as we make choices based on what pleases God. Believer’s must seek God’s Word with a desire to remember it.

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