Grade 5: Game Face and God City


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GAME FACE  — Adventures in the Display of God’s Supremacy   (Grade 5, Fall 2016 Semester)

With an emphasis on victorious Christian living, GAME FACE features core Bible stories from the Old Testament and foundational Bible passages such as Ephesians 6:10-11 “Be strong in the Lord … put on the full armor of God” and Hebrews 4:12 “For the Word of God is living and active.” Game Face, Bad to Good, Shook by the Book, Overcome the World and It’s Jesus’ Love highlight 12 more inspiring hits in the 5th Encounter!

GOD CITY  — Adventures in the Gift of God’s Kingdom   (Grade 5, Spring 2017 Semester)

With an emphasis on the reality of eternal life, GOD CITY features core Bible stories from the gospel of John and foundational Bible passages such as I Cor. 2:9 “No mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him” and John 4:13-34 “whoever drinks the water I give Him will never thirst.” It’s Gonna Rock!, Come to the Well, I Am the Alpha (Here I Come!) and All Around the Throne highlight 12 dazzling hits in the 3rd Encounter!